As the Next-CSP EU-funded project (High Temperature concentrated solar thermal power plant with particle receiver and direct thermal storage, GA No 727762) is coming to an end, the consortium is organising a free online workshop on 16 June 2021, from 11:00 to 13:00 (CET), to present its main results.
In the programme, an overview of the achievements of the project, its technology and the commercial perspectives by 4 Next-CSP partners:
- 11:00 – General presentation of the NEXT-CSP project and its main results (Gilles Flamant, CNRS – France)
- 11:30 – Particle-in-tube receivers: from Upflow Bubbling Fluidized Bed (UBFB) to Dense Upflow Fluidized Bed (DUFB) operation modes (Jan Baeyens, EPPT – Belgium)
- 12:00 – Integration of NEXT-CSP technology with high efficiency unfired thermodynamic cycles (Manuel Romero, IMDEA Energy – Spain)
- 12:30 – Position of CSP technology in the context of the electricity market (Frédéric Siros, EDF – France).
Register here and find more information here.